COMA's 2022 Clark Rogerson Foray will be held from 9/2 to 9/5/2022 in Hebron, CT, at Camp Hemlocks. View the 2022 Species list here.

Registration for the 2022 Clark Rogerson Foray is now closed.

The Ursula Hoffmann scholarship is intended to support the recipient's attendance at COMA's annual Clark Rogerson Foray.
For more information please check our Scholarships page.

Download a map of the area from

2022 Clark Rogerson Foray participantsSome of the attendees at the 2022 Clark Rogerson Foray

We will once again be in Hebron, Connecticut, at Camp Hemlocks, an accessible facility located on 100 acres of unspoiled woodlands surrounding Jones Pond. A convenient, one-story building contains our sleeping quarters and all the facilities we need: a dining room, auditorium, lounges, pool, and mushroom display room. Foraging on the campus and in nearby state parks is reliably outstanding. We usually harvest over 300 species, and baskets of choice edibles. Enjoy our wonderful potluck on Saturday, and (weather permitting) outdoor mycophagy on Sunday. So far, our roster of invited mycologists includes:

Featuring Julie O'Grady, Chief Mycophagy Chef.

Overnight Accommodations

The 4-day fee includes 3 nights' lodging and 8 meals, from dinner on Friday to breakfast on Monday(Please bring your lunch on Friday.) All rooms will be double-occupancy unless you elect to pay for the entire room yourself*. If you do not have a roommate chosen, we will select one for you.

Mushroom Walks

Hunt mushrooms to your heart's content, both right on the property at nearby state parks. Learn in the field from expert mycologists. At the end of the Foray, the mycologists will give “table talks,” pointing out the weekend's most interesting and exciting finds.

Educational Programs

Afternoon and evening programs will expand your fungal knowledge. Previous programs have covered a wide variety of topics.

Potluck and Mycophagy

Contribute a dish to share at our afternoon potluck on the first full day of the Foray. Cold dishes may be stored in the kitchen's refrigerator and dishes served best warm can be heated up.  Please note that there will be no cooking from scratch in the kitchen for the potluck. On the second full day, myco-chef Julie O'Grady, along with innumerable assistants, will prepare a feast worth talking about for years to come.

Live Auction

Donate anything mushroom or outdoor-related, including books, magazines, posters, artwork, houseware, clothing, and games. Keep your eyes peeled on your next stop at a yard sale. Self-made artwork, t-shirts, jewelry, crafts, jams, jellies, or dried mushrooms also make for sought-after prizes. At the Foray, bid for a new mushroom treasure to take home.

Recreational Activities

Unwind with swimming and basketball. Informal evening games include cards and board games (bring your own game).


We strongly encourage members to apply for funding through COMA's Scholarship Programs. For more details click here.

Remembering Clark Rogerson

2022 Clark RogersonClark T. Rogerson (1918-2001)

In 1981 COMA named the annual foray in honor of American mycologist Clark Thomas Rogerson best known for his work on the ascomycetes, particularly the Hypomyces. After acquiring a bachelor of science from Utah State University, a doctorate from Cornell University, and joining the faculty of Kansas State University, Rogerson was invited to the New York Botanical Garden. He became Senior Curator in 1967. By 1969 Rogerson was appointed president of the Mycological Society of America. As much as he was a professional, Rogerson was tirelessly committed to education and the development of amateur mycologists. He helped found the New Jersey Mycological Association, the New York Mycological Society, and our own club COMA. His intentions are best reflected in the New York Mycological Society's mission statement: “to bridge the gap between the amateur and the professional.” In 1985 Rogerson was awarded for his outstanding service to COMA. Now more than a decade after his passing, amateur mycologists come together annually at the Clark T. Rogerson Foray to celebrate with reverence and appreciation our collective fascination with fungi and the legacy of our mycological forbearers.


For questions about the foray contact Don Shernoff at or call (914) 761-0332.