Connecticut-Westchester Mycological Association

A NAMA-affiliated amateur mycology club serving Westchester County, NY and Southwestern Connecticut

About COMA

The Connecticut Westchester Mycological Association (COMA) is an amateur mycological society. It was originally established in 1975 as a volunteer organization of committed amateur mycologists. Our mission is to stimulate further interest and study in the amazing world of fungi. Together we share in the joy of foraging wild mushrooms and gain a deeper understanding of the local ecology.


COMA members lead mushroom walks in Westchester County, Southern Connecticut and a few walks take place in Rockland County. Walks are held every weekend between May and early November. Walk attendees have an opportunity to learn about mushrooms, trees, flowers, birds, and many other aspects of the natural world. The club also organizes mushroom-related special events, including an annual 4-day foray, and an evening lecture series (offered via "Zoom") during the winter and early spring months.

Become a member
Apply for a scholarship


COMA is affiliated with the North American Mycological Association (NAMA), a non-profit organization of professional and amateur mycologists with over 80 affiliated mycological societies in the United States, Canada and Mexico. COMA is also affiliated with the Northeast Mycological Federation (NEMF), a group of 18 mycological clubs in the Northeastern United States. We participate in annual joint forays with other nearby clubs, including